Sunday, February 15, 2009

HQIC - Quitters...The Series

My father is a habitual Quitter. The HQIC (Head Quitter In Charge) This guy couldn't commit to life. He always had an excuse, always asked why someone else wouldn't do what he was tasked with. My parents are divorced and both of them are in the medical field. So as far as I can remember, say age 6 or so he would call me the week before he was suppose to pick me up and hype me for our weekend together. I would hear promises of skiing trips, basketball weekends, baseball games, Dad time; and come Saturday morning I would wait patiently with my clothes packed for my weekend boycation with my Father. A few hours later, I would be waiting...hours later still waiting. My Mother would would bring me food but I would not eat because he promised we would eat together someplace nice. Throughout my wait, if I was lucky he'd call and tell me he was on his way or stuck in traffic on the Pennsylvania Turnpike...but deep down I knew that meant he was not coming. Despite my feelings, I believed in his words and his promise, until it was dark outside and no Audi, no Bronco, no Explorer, no BMW, no recognizable vehicle to stop at my apartment entrance with an open door to pick me and my dreams up for the weekend; No Dad.

Sound familiar? If not then you are not among the millions of kids a year who suffer from these shiftless people. It's just like someone who has a cold, but doesn't cover their mouth when they sneeze. They just spread their sickness to others, but maybe the next person doesn't get a cold, maybe they get the Flu, or Mumps, or Mad Cow disease. The point is these Quitters come in varied forms and the only consistent thing in their life is, their habit of quitting.

If you are a quitter, then please seek immediate medical attention and stop infecting the GenPop.


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