Sunday, February 15, 2009

The "I Quit" Syndrome!

Have you ever met a quitter? C'mon be know a quitter. Now I know you may be thinking that a quitter is someone who only quits on big issues, but thats not entirely true. A quitter can be a quitter on any level. A quitter can be someone who walks out on a family, never to return. A quitter can be someone who gives up on something after giving their all. A quitter can be someone who avoides difficult situations or conversations when things are not going their way, they just packup and leave.

My father is a habitual Quitter. This guy couldn't commit to life. He always had an excuse, always asked why someone else wouldn't do what he was tasked with. This guy is a loser....but I digress.

These people are generally nice, good, whole-hearted people. You may see them at times even championing a great cause but when the storm comes, the struggle comes, the disagreement comes...when things do not go their way, they say "I'll TTYL" and roll out, never to be seen again. They never want any responsibility, but yet have the nerve to complain or even have a thought about how to do something better than the leader is already doing it; they even go so far as to join a team and when asked to up their level of participation beyond what they want to do or thought they would be doing, they ask "Why can't YOU do it?" Or come up with a host of excuses. When left alone these people can be extremely beneficial to a project, team and/or family however, when their number is call up for duty they can be the cause great strees and strain due to their unwillingness to submit to their given authority and any subsequent tasks that are due them.

Well you may be asking, what can you do to fix this issue? I'm glad you asked the question. The only thing that you can do is roll with the punches. That means take it on a case by case basis. Quitters are everywhere in life; bosses, parents, kids, husbands, wives, governements, businesses, baby mommas and baby daddys. Generally you should limit the amount of involvement that you have with these people if at all possible. If you can't, then you must evaluate what impact their "Syndrome" will have on your life and then plan/act accordingly. In the past I have been known for ejecting quitters from my circle. Given the current state of the world, no one can afford a quitter. They are just too expensive to keep around. They cost millions in productivity and time both of which, you can never get back. The biggest problem with the "I Quit" syndrome is that it is contagious. It can travel through sound and through sight; it can and will eventually spread to others if something is not done.

The most important thing about Quitters is that they are not consistent in their quitting. If they are quitters at home, they are loyal at work. If they are loyal at work then they are quitters in their hobbies. They are not bad people, just complicated. So because I love quitters so much, I have provided a guide to Quit "Quitting".

If you or a loved one is currently a victim of this horriffic syndrome and want help, then you must do the following

1. Admit you have a problem - Be honest with yourself

2. Find the root of your "Quitting" for each circumstance - There is a reason you are giving up

3. Begin today a renewed committment to being a follower - Followers are loyal and valuable, quitters are not; just look at Twitter

4. Don't Quit - No matter what the issue is, stick it out, work it out

Remember "Quitters" make ineffective leaders because they have yet to succeed at following. No matter who you are, we all have quit on something. What have you done to turn your life around Quitter?


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